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3.3 - Discussion Freight Rail

3.3 - Discussion Freight Rail

Q The Role of Freight Rail Watch this video: Esri Case Study: GIS for Railroads (4:25): (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. After reading your textbook chapter and viewing the video, respond to the following: • Describe the specific role freight rail has on intermodelism. • Discuss how freight rail effects and impacts cities and businesses not only in the U.S. but globally. • Of the four modes of transportation discussed so far in this course, which mode do you think is most optimal for intermodelism for organizations and why? Review the evaluation rubric for detailed grading criteria. Post and Engage Post your response to the question(s) in this discussion forum. Engage and express critical thinking through your responses to promote an interactive learning experience. Reply to at least three of your peers throughout the week. When responding, use terminology from your readings and cite related references, where applicable. Each response should be in your own words, grammatically sound, and free of spelling errors. Finally, remember to post early enough in the week to allow others the opportunity to respond to your posting. Describe the specific role freight rail has on intermodelism.

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Accessibility of rail transportation is never easily available. The advantageous situation in case of rail transportation is that long distances can be travelled conveniently. However, the same cannot be said for rail transportation for traveling short distances. This is because motor transportation is the most advantageous mode of transportation in case of traveling short distances. Rail transportation has an advantage over motor transportation only in low costs. In case of motor transportation, the cost is higher than rail transportation. The smoothness of rail transportation is low because of the bumpy nature of the transportation.